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Showing posts from May, 2018


Zadie Smith's trippy short story "Meet the President!" felt like several episodes of Black Mirror and posed a lot of interesting questions. It got me thinking a lot about the idea of "nowhere" and how privilege and reality influence that nowhere. Both Bill and Aggie are from a nowhere, but their experiences and interpretations of each others' upbringing are drastically different. Bill's "nowhere" is also an "everywhere." His most consistent relationship is with his dad and he sees more through the virtual reality chip in his head than through his real eyes. He can presumably look at whatever location he wants to through the VR thing, but he doesn't have a hometown. He has no tangible ties to anyone, anywhere. Aggie's "nowhere" is more of a cultural nowhere. Her community is small and insignificant to the bigger influences of the society Bill is a part of. She has a strong sense of place, but according to anyone o